Individual metering and debiting

On our website under "our homes" there is information on whether electricity and hot water are included inte the rent or not. The information is also available on each object when it is published for rent. Below you will find the template for electricity and hot water consumption that applies if you move into an apartment where these are charged as an additional fee on top of the rent.The tenant must not sign any own electricity contract.

What is IMD and what is it good for?

Reducing the consumption of heating and hot water is beneficial for both the economy and the environment. One way to control this is if heating and water are measured and paid for individually per apartment. This is called IDM - Individual Measurement and Billing. In some of our properties, this system is installed, and the following applies:

The electricity and hot water price is based on an expected normal consumption and is different depending on the apartment type.

1 room and kitchen, 242 SEK per month (194 SEK excl. VAT)
2 rooms and kitchen, 286 SEK per month (229 SEK excl. VAT)
3 rooms and kitchen, 374 SEK per month (299 SEK excl. VAT)
4 rooms and kitchen, 418 SEK per month (334 SEK excl. VAT)
5 rooms and kitchen, 418 SEK per month (334 SEK excl. VAT)

Hot water
1 room and kitchen, 156 SEK per month (125 SEK excl. VAT)
2 rooms and kitchen, 156 SEK per month (125 SEK excl. VAT)
3 rooms and kitchen, 277 SEK per month (222 SEK excl. VAT)
4 rooms and kitchen, 277 SEK per month (222 SEK excl. VAT)
5 rooms and kitchen, 277 SEK per month (222 SEK excl. VAT)

On the third rental period onwards, SGS charges for the actual consumption of electricity and hot water. Current electricity price is SEK 2.20/kWh (SEK 1.76 excl. VAT). Current hot water price is SEK 92/m3 (SEK 74/m3 excl. VAT).

The prices must correspond to SGS's cost prices. The electricity price includes both fixed and variable fees for electricity as well as electricity grid and energy tax. Correspondingly, the hot water price covers fixed and variable charges for the water itself, as well as all charges for the energy used to heat the water.

The purpose of measuring and charging consumption in the home is that the tenant should only have to pay for what is actually used. Those who manage to economize on electricity and hot water then receive a lower fee than those who use more. The costs are that way distributed more fairly and the rent is not affected by how much the neighbors use.